Pressure BioSciences, Inc. (PBIO  ) announced today the initiation of studies to evaluate and demonstrate its industrially-scalable UltraShear Technology platform for producing oil-in-water nanoemulsions in the preparation of edible coatings of Nano-CBD to extend the shelf life and preserve the quality of fruits and vegetables.

Edible coatings are commonly used to enhance the quality and increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. However, industrial-scale use of edible coatings has struggled with effectiveness limitations due to poor stability and solubility of the coatings. Recent developments in nanoemulsion-based coating technology offer promise for an effective and efficient strategy but have been challenged by industrial-scaling limitations as well as quality and stability inconsistencies from current nanoemulsion technology platforms.

For over two decades, studies have demonstrated CBD's antimicrobial effectiveness against human pathogens and more recently against plant pathogens. A recent peer-reviewed article ("Influence of a transparent and edible coating of encapsulated cannabidiol nanoparticles on the quality and shelf life of strawberries") published on May 4, 2023 in the American Chemical Society Journal of Applied Materials and Interfaces focused on the antimicrobial activity of strawberries coated with CBD-infused nanoparticles. The article reported on the results of treated/untreated strawberries, showing that the CBD-treated samples ripened and decayed much more slowly than the untreated ones. Other scientific articles with similar results on nanoemulsified CBD, essential oils, and other natural additives have also been recently published.

John Hollister, director of marketing and sales for PBIO, noted: "We are now awaiting the publication in a scientific peer-reviewed journal of recent research performed by a leading global cannabis academic research team contrasting the vastly superior absorption and bioavailability of PBIO's UltraShear Nano-CBD versus the routinely reported oral-GI absorption of current CBD formulations. In light of these results, we are now embarking on studies of UltraShear Nano-CBD as an optimal effective strategy for a new generation of all-natural, edible food coatings."