The House of Representatives passed the Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act on May 24th, and with another 60 senators cosponsoring the bipartisan bill, the bill is poised to become law. Designed to replace the older TSCA, the bill empowers EPA with the authority to reexamine over 85,000 chemicals that were previously considered safe under the old Toxic Substances Control Act. The bill requires that chemicals will need to be considered safe for children, pregnant women, workers, and other vulnerable populations in order for their continued usage and production.
Consumer goods producers will need to reexamine their entire product portfolios in order to comply with the bill. It stipulates that a minimum of 20 chemicals must be simultaneously reviewed by the EPA, and each review must be completed within 7 years. The EPA will be able to stop the distribution, use, disposal, etc. of any chemical it deems hazardous. Under the old TSCA, decisions to ban the use of chemicals took into consideration the financial impact of such a ban, however, the proposed bill requires only the health impacts be taken in account.
For industry leaders such as Unilever
Competitors like Johnson & Johnson

The passage of the Chemical Safety Act will bring about a drop in profits across the industry in the short term, as risk analyses are performed, products redesigned, and recalled. Many chemical components are shared by multiple products in multiple companies, and household names like Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, and Procter & Gamble are sensitive to any sort of bans. A bar of Dove Soap can contain 15 or more different chemicals, all of which will need to be reviewed by the EPA eventually. Soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, and deodorant share many fragrant chemicals in common with each other, and a ban on any one of the chemicals used would affect Unilever's homecare segment significantly, along with similar detergent/hygiene products using the same chemicals under the Johnson & Johnson/ Procter & Gamble brands. These American consumer staples will need to increase spending to fund research and redesign efforts now, before the EPA forces them to with the regulations proposed by the reform bill.